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Xalet en venda a Sotogrande Alto de 5 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

1.350.000 €
330 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: independent




Located on one of the most sought-after streets of Sotogrande Alto, this south facing property has come on the market. It has happily served as a family villa for many years to the vendor and tenants. The villa is built on three floors and sits on a 1700m2 plot with views over the San Roque golf courses and enjoys partial sea views. The property consists of: Basement floor, with large garage and huge storage room. Ground floor with entrance hall, sitting room and dining room, guest cloakroom, large kitchen with breakfast eating area, three bedrooms each with a bathroom, a further bedroom and bathroom for staff by the kitchen, and a storage room. Off the sitting room is a large terrace with an elongated swimming pool. The upper floor consists of the master bedroom, a bathroom, a dressing area, and a sitting room which has been used as an office, or nursery. Off the master bedroom is a large terrace. Behind the kitchen is a large patio great for barbecues and outdoor entertaining. The garden offers good space for children to play safely.
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Sotogrande Alto, Sotogrande, San Roque

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