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Casa rural en venda a Taberno de 6 habitacions amb terrassa i jardí

130.000 €
180 m²


  • Estat: bon estat




Reference: 00217 Beautiful country house in the municipality of Taberno, Almería. The house has six bedrooms and two bathrooms, located on a plot of more than 16,000 m2 of land. The front door opens onto a large living room with a fireplace that houses a wood-burning stove. The kitchen is equipped with a good variety of wall and base units, a double sink and a gas cooker. Outside the kitchen there is a corridor with a pantry and access to a patio. On the ground floor there are two double bedrooms, along with a full bathroom. On the first floor there are four double bedrooms, a full bathroom and a large terrace with stunning views. Outside, the flat garden area around the house has been walled and offers two patio areas for alfresco dining. There is also a garage and storage room. The electrical network and the water are connected, and the telephone / internet are available for connection. If you want more information, call us or by email, we will send you what you need. Visit our website.
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