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Xalet en venda a Sineu de 18 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

30.000.000 €
4.000 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2004
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: independent
Certificat energètic no indicat


This extraordinary and unique property is located in the mountains of Mallorca, about 40 driving minutes away from Palma de Mallorca. 2 spacious Villas with more than 16 suites, living rooms, Gym, Spa area, 2 private pools and about 4000m2 build area on 110.000m2 plot. Surrounded by nature, this property offers absolute privacy combined with the highest standard of luxury. A helicopter landing place, private lake, private water spring and an amazing mountain view, makes this property unique in Mallorca. The estate is a perfect retreat for nature lovers because the extensive landscaped gardens are lush and colorful. Hundreds of carefully tended palm trees, illuminated at night, give the estate an air of serenity. A large fresh water pond, filled with rainwater, is suitable for bathing and fishing. The waterspout fountain looks particularly nice at night. The famous Santanyì stones of Mallorca with their creamy color were individually cut and made to order. It took two years of painstaking work to build the traditional walls and window arches. In true Mediterranean style, the windows are equipped with sturdy and attractive shutters for safety. These help to protect from the sunlight, keeping you safe and cool within. Custom-cut marble from Portugal was used in all the bathrooms. The artists paid special attention to the natural design of the marble and used it to create amazing artistic effects. The material feels cool and lush at any time. The walls are covered with Venetian stucco, a work-intensive three-layer-technique that uses crushed marble and makes the walls particularly luminous Special oak tiles, handmade in castle-style out of solid oak wood, three-dimensional and absolutely unique, were used for most of the floors in Villa Scorpion. The perfect sound system inside and on the terraces surrounds you with your favorite music wherever you choose to go. Through the use of mezzanine levels and cleverly constructed suites, both villas create an intimate yet spacious feeling where opulence and comfort is combined to perfection. Several porches and terraces allow you to choose shade or sunshine just as needed throughout the day and the seasons. A huge fitness room and saunas round off the feeling that this is your Spanish paradise, your retreat whenever you need to build up new strength.
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