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Xalet en venda a Montgó - Partida Tosal de 7 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

1.950.000 €
568 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: central
Certificat energètic en tràmit


This high quality property ideal for a large family holidays, a home or rental is a 7 bedroomed, 6 bathroom + WC with construction of 568M2 set on a 3080M2 plot A magnificent circular driveway surrounding a water fountain and offering multi parking leads you to the front door/entrance hall. Leading to all of the rooms including the double staircase and chandelier highlighting the opulence of the property. The house comprises of 2 floors with a large balustrade leading to 4 bedrooms on the upper level with 2 bathrooms located on that level. The stairs on the right lead down to large office and links to the main bedroom with ensuite and superb garden views. The stairs to the left lead down to the dining room, the other bedrooms, a large utility area and playroom. The fully fitted kitchen is also on this side of the house. The centrally located living room which is superbly bright as it overlooks the terrace, large pool and entertainment area. The summer kitchen is fully equipped with some of the fittings replaced very recently. All of the landscaped garden along with the entertainment areas enjoy fantastic views to the Montgo.
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Montgó - Partida Tosal, Jávea/Xàbia

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