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Xalet en venda a Costa Adeje de 5 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

6.150.000 €
600 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2023
  • Estat: bon estat
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Known as Barranco del Inglés, the area is nesting some of the most glamorous and private villas. Surprisingly, this oasis of comfort and style is minutes away from all local amenities: shopping malls, restaurants and venues, golf courses, professional sport and fitness facilities, few minutes away from beach resorts, and only 25 minutes away from the south international airport - Reina Sofia. This plot is one of the last available in Barranco del Inglés and offers the possibility of a built area of about 350 - 400 m² first and second floor and 200m² of basement from a total area of 2500 m². We offer you the chance to get and exclusive property on a bargain price: our construction project will deliver the key in your hand of a luxurious home with 5 en-suite bedrooms, private infinity pool, views to the coast and mountains, gardens and terraces. No stress and no hustle! This property was completed in June 2023.
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Costa Adeje, Adeje

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