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Xalet en venda a carretera Tarragona de 3 habitacions amb terrassa

55.000 €
162 m²


  • Any de construcció: 1920
  • Estat: per reformar
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Village House, with warehouse and patio with 162m² built, in the very center of San Rafael del Rio (Castellón). Authentic house, which was the old barber shop of the town, currently to carry out interior renovations. It is located in front of the church and the main square, facing southwest, sunny all day. It is distributed on the ground floor and first floor. It is accessed through the hall, with access to the dining room-living room, 1 large interior room, at the back, is the kitchen, furnished with a dining room and with a rainwater cistern. Through the kitchen you access the back street, where the warehouse and patio are located. On the second floor you have two double bedrooms, a spacious bathroom, and a gallery at the back. Access is from the front to the terrace, overlooking the church square. The house on Calle San Francisco, in a warehouse of 35m² approx. And the rest of the rear patio discovered with 15sqm. Ideal to complement the main house, or also to be sold separately later, since they are separate farms. Enjoy our small town, with its culture and very close to the mountains and the sea. Call now to arrange your first visit.
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San Rafael del Río

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