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Xalet en venda a calle Des Gerret de 3 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

785.000 €
98 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: independent




Ready-to-move-in 3-bed house, just a stroll away de la beautiful beach of Cala Tarida... El que és completament equipat house ensures vostè ha estat everything vostè necessita per a confortable stay, de dia one. Every detail is care of, from all the necessary appliances in kitchen to the spacious open-plan living space.Aquest és a low-maintenance home, complete with 3 cozy bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.One of these bedrooms even opens up to a terrace - your new favorite spot for morning coffees.Però teniu que teniu els ulls i les vostres visites... Deixi's remetre't que aquest és sunset side of the island, i vostè'll és possible per a witness som spectacular sunsets de la cuina de la teva home. Imagineu: teniu en dia el dia de l'aire lliure, cocktail in hand, watching the sun dip below the horizon in spectacular display of colors.Imagineu-vos que no tingueu onze-in-a-while treat, però la vostra diana routine... You'll també be able per enjoy access to a communal swimming pool - perfecte per Eivissa's sunny days - ia real nice private garden, where you can host your friends and family for special BBQ gatherings. Living in Cala Tarida és que la meva realitat realment near les beaches nices i sunsets on el seu island.Popular dining spots like S'Espartar (on of our preferits restaurants of real Ibizan food), Ses Eufabies, and Cotton's are all nearby.And with Sant Josep village just a 5-minut drive away, all your needs catered for all year round.Airport and Eivissa town és on 30 minuts away. Allà, whether you are a family que es looking for cozy and modern house close to the beach o couple who enjoys spending time with friends and family - we believe that this house might be just right for you.Plus, amb un turista license application in processes, it's ideal pick per anyone looking per a nice investment opportunity. One parking place in the house included in the price.
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Cala Vedella - Cala Tarida - Cala Conta, Sant Josep de sa Talaia

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