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Casa en venda a El Fondo de les Neus-El Hondon de las Nieves de 3 habitacions amb piscina

110.950 €
180 m²


  • Estat: bon estat
Certificat energètic no indicat


3 bedroom townhouse with studio salon 3 floors Fantastic price Amazing  3 storey townhouse property in Hondon de las frailes 3 bedroom townhouse with communal swimming pool basement consist of hair studio on the main road with roller shutter doors  and storage room then on the first level on the second level you have a super sized lounge separate Kitchen and Bathroom moving onto the top floor consist of 3 large bedrooms and a full size bathroom the townhouse is in the heart of Hondon. close to Bars shops and quality restaurants you won't go short of anything, Over the Albatera road you can be on the coast in 35 minutes expats have been coming to hondon for years and living a more relaxed lifestyle there are lovely country walks wildlife centres and plenty to do for the children with local schools and connections to other villages. Trading certificate is down to the new owner and not included tel Nicola inland sales.
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El Fondo de les Neus-El Hondon de las Nieves

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