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Edifici en venda a La Seu - Cort - Monti-sión de 2650 m²

11.000.000 €
2.650 m²


Welcome to the Palacio de Calatrava, a unique residential building with a rich historical significance in the city of Palma. This stunning building is a symbol of wealth and status, and its conservation and historical importance make it a true gem in the city. The Palacio de Calatrava boasts beautiful stone work and carpentry throughout the building, with several patios, terraces, and a garden with a pool. The impressive noble floor is sure to take your breath away, and the spacious rooftop terraces offer incredible views of the city. With a total of 2,650 square meters built, this four-story building has eight units and five garage/parking spaces included in the price. The building has a partial license and project to develop apartments, with the possibility to subdivide into eight units. Built in 1400, the Palacio de Calatrava is a second-hand property that is in need of renovation, but the potential is endless. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of history and turn this building into a magnificent residence.
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La Seu - Cort - Monti-sión, Centre, Palma de Mallorca

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Building palma

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Calatrava palace

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