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Edifici en venda a Nagüeles Alto de 1800 m²

3.500.000 €
1.800 m²


Prime Investment Opportunity in Prestigious Marbella Location Discover the epitome of prime real estate in Marbella with this exceptional commercial building located in the prestigious Nagueles area. Boasting a generous plot size of 2125m2 and 1800m2 of built space, this versatile building presents an unparalleled opportunity for savvy investors seeking a lucrative venture. Ideal for Diverse Business Ventures This impeccably located building is ideally suited for a variety of business ventures, including office centers, clinics, spa centers, and more. With its spacious layout and strategic location, the possibilities for creating a highly profitable business are endless. Unmatched Convenience and Prestige Situated in one of Marbella's most sought-after neighborhoods, this property offers unmatched convenience and prestige. Its proximity to key amenities, upscale neighborhoods, and renowned attractions ensures a steady stream of potential clients. Renovation Potential While the building needs renovation, its solid structure and prime location make it a worthwhile investment. Unlock the full potential of this property and elevate it to new heights of sophistication and profitability. Schedule a Viewing Today Don't miss out on the opportunity to capitalize on this prime commercial property in Marbella. Schedule a viewing today and envision the endless possibilities that await in this prestigious location. For inquiries or to arrange a viewing, please contact us.
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Nagüeles Alto, Milla de Oro, Marbella

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Soul Casa Marbella

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