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Local en venda a Cómpeta amb terrassa

750.000 €
236 m²


Certificat energètic en tràmit


An excellently located property and business premises, within walking distance to the centre of the village and with parking nearby. It is currently being run as a shop along with various storage rooms for the shop and with 2 apartments above. The first apartment comprises a living-dining room with access to a small terrace, a fully fitted kitchen, a family bathroom, 2 double bedrooms and a single bedroom. The second apartment comprises a living-dining room, 2 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a utility room and a lovely roof terrace with great views over the village roof tops, of the surrounding countryside and down towards the sea. This whole building would make a great opportunity to purchase a business with the option to be able to live on the premises and have the additional possibility to provide a rental income as well!
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Country Properties SA

Inmobiliaria desde 1986 con oficinas en Competa, Torrox, Torre del Mar, Ventas y alquiler...

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