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Local en venda a Cómpeta amb terrassa

550.000 €
550 m²




BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY suitable to anyone who wants to invest in Competa. The complex has a total of 550 m2. It consists of a commercial premises, currently a Disco Pub, in operation and a family home. Located in one of the most central streets of the town and close to all amenities. The house consists of four bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, large living room - dining room and terrace and is located in the upper part of the complex from where you can enjoy great views of the Sea and the surrounding area. Great business opportunity and family home in the same complex. It is worth a visit¡.
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Country Properties SA

Inmobiliaria desde 1986 con oficinas en Competa, Torrox, Torre del Mar, Ventas y alquiler...

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