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Pis en venda a S'Eixample - Can Misses de 1 habitació i 79 m²

457.000 €
79 m²


The apartment is located in the historic district of Dalt Vila, just 5 minutes walk from Vara de Rey. It has a total built area of 79,85 m2, consisting of 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. ACCESS, ENTRANCE, PARKING AREA The property is located in the historic district of Dalt Vila, so you can park throughout the area of Ibiza. As a resident, you can ask for a discount on the price of the blue parking zone. This is the second floor of a historic building with a lot of character. It is accessed by stairs that are for the exclusive use of the neighbors. DISTRIBUTION Upon entering, we find a hall that leads us either to the bedroom or to the living room. We continue through the living room and on the left-hand side we have a small, fully functional kitchen. LOCATION, VIEWS, AND ORIENTATION South facing and with nice views, 5 minutes walk from Vara de Rey, 15 minutes from Talamanca and 10 minutes drive from the airport. PERFECT FOR If you like the style of Dalt Vila, with a privileged location and with all kinds of services nearby, this is your opportunity. A special property, centrally located, ready to be renovated according to one's own taste!
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S'Eixample - Can Misses, Ibiza/Eivissa

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