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Pis en venda a Dalt de la Vila - La Marina de 4 habitacions amb balcó i aire acondicionat

2.200.000 €
283 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Interior / exterior: exterior
  • Planta 2a
  • Sistema calefacció: central




This authentic apartment is situated within a historic building at the top of Dalt Vila, the fortified old town of Ibiza. Spanning a generous 283 square meters, this apartment features four bedrooms, three bathrooms, two capacious living rooms, and a wonderfully charming lounge area offering panoramic views. The property is adorned with Portuguese marble throughout, accentuating the historical character of the surrounding area. The grand pillars in the living room further evoke the ambiance of the historical district. The apartment has magnificent far reaching views over Ibiza and the ocean because of its elevated location. Next to the property, the is the old cathedral stands as a historic landmark, and nearby parking facilities offer convenience for accessing Dalt Vila. From this vantage point, you can reach the airport, Marina Botafoch, and the pristine beaches of Ses Salinas and Es Cavallet, all within a 10-minute drive. Feel free to reach out for a (virtual) viewing.
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Dalt de la Vila - La Marina, Ibiza/Eivissa

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Jeremy Frank Real Estate

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