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Pis en venda a calle Cmadrid a de 1 habitació amb terrassa i piscina

125.000 €
60 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2019
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Interior / exterior: exterior
  • Planta 1a
  • Sistema calefacció: central


3950 kWh/m² any


765 kg CO₂/m² any


We have an offer that will blow your sunglasses right off your nose. Imagine an apartment for sale that is right on the beach. All you have to do is reach out and feel the sand between your toes. A beach lovers dream come true! Price includes the furniture! But wait, there's more! This is no ordinary resort. We have not one, not two, but five communal swimming pools ready for you. And if that's not enough, we also heated one. So even when the sun isn't cooperating, you can still take a dip and treat yourself to a warm water cuddle. Ah, that's life! And best of all? A lovely terrace where you can enjoy a sunset with a refreshing drink in your hand. So, do you dare to take up the challenge? We're sure you won't regret it! Ready-to-move-in apartment for sale. Very nice apartment within walking distance of the beach! Price includes the furniture. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, fully equipped open kitchen, air conditioning, fully furnished, elevator, underground parking, terrace and communal pools.
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San Juan de los Terreros, Pulpí

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