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Àtic en venda a Centro - Torrevieja de 1 habitació amb terrassa i aire acondicionat

95.000 €
57 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 1996
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Planta 5a
Certificat energètic no indicat


?The apartment consists of 1 bedroom 1 bathroom, living room with kitchen and a large corner terrace. From this wonderful terrace you have a view of the surrounding area and also a glimpse of the Mediterranean Sea ?Will be sold fully furnished ?The apartment is located on the 5th floor. Elevator available. As the apartment is located in central Torrevieja, you are within walking distance to a large selection of restaurants, bars, shops and all the services you want during your stay in Spain. Torrevieja has a wide range of entertainment for the whole family and all ages such as go-carting, bowling, cinema, shopping, golf, etc. Central Torrevieja also has a cozy harbor and the town is alive all year round. There are a number of beaches to spend your days on. This is the property for those of you who are looking for a home close to the city center and to services and walking distance to the beach.
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Centro, Torrevieja

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