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Terreny en venda a calle Puerto de Ojén de 2745 m²

620.000 €
2.745 m²


Land for Sale - 12 km from Marbella This incredible property offers a unique opportunity to create your dream retreat. Located just 12 km from the vibrant city of Marbella, this land boasts breathtaking views of the sea. With 6 bedrooms and a restaurant on site, the possibilities are endless. The property is in need of a complete renovation, allowing you to customize it to your exact specifications. Imagine creating a luxurious wellness retreat, where guests can relax and rejuvenate in a serene environment. The tranquil surroundings provide the perfect backdrop for a truly unforgettable experience. The total land area is 2,745 m², ensuring plenty of space for your vision to come to life. The minimum area available for sale is also 2,745 m², giving you the flexibility to expand if desired. With 365 m² of buildable area, there is ample room to create a stunning retreat that meets your every need. In addition to its prime location and spacious layout, this property is fully equipped with essential utilities. Water, electricity, sewerage, street lighting, and sidewalks are all available, making the development process even smoother. Whether you envision a luxury hotel or a private sanctuary, this urban land is the perfect canvas for your dreams. With the potential for two floors of construction, you have the opportunity to create a truly remarkable space. Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to own a piece of paradise. Contact us today to learn more about this incredible land for sale just a short distance from Marbella.
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