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Terreny en venda a Potríes de 486 m²

74.950 €
486 m²


Here we have a superb flat building plot of just under 500 square metres very close to the centre of the popular village of Potries, just five minutes away from the main town of Gandia and its 23km of award-winning golden sandy beaches. The large level plot would allow for a good-sized house and large garden. If you would like to visit the area, please just reserve a viewing with us, and we will be pleased to show you the plot and the local area. The village of Potries has approximately 1000 inhabitants and borders the river Serpis to the East, a popular area of significant outstanding natural beauty. This local area of La Safor is famous for its outdoor adventures, such as cycling, walking, climbing, fishing, canoeing and many other outdoor activities. The village has a lovely restaurant and some great tapas bars, as well as a small supermarket. The village is also well connected to both Valencia and Alicante airports via the A7 autopista less than ten minutes away. Gandia has a regular train service to the capital which runs every half hour. Valencia is a beautiful clean Capital city, and well worth a visit, especially during the fiestas of Las Fallas each March.
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Orange Blossom Homes

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Parcela Potries

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