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Xalet en lloguer a calle Atalaya de 4 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

17.000 €/mes
900 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: central




Brand new villa for sale with panoramic views within a luxurious golf resort 10 minutes drive from Puerto Banús and Marbella that has first-class facilities that offer the ultimate in luxury accommodation and is also home to the majestic Villa Padierna Palace Hotel, the only six * SPA hotel in Spain, which has received the award for "The Best Golf Resort in the World". The area has a strict 24-hour security service that guarantees security and privacy for all owners. The southeast-facing villa offers spectacular views of the sea, Tramores golf course and the mountain offering the highest quality, modern design and insulating materials that make it an intelligent and ef f icient construction.
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Nagüeles Alto, Milla de Oro, Marbella


Alexandra Fares Property

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