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Pis en lloguer a calle Triana de 2 habitacions amb mobles i balcó

1.250 €/mes
105 m²


  • Estat: bon estat
  • Interior / exterior: exterior
  • Planta 1a
Certificat energètic no indicat


Available from 1st of April! Beautiful Old 2 Bedroom Apartment in the heart of Las Palmas. Just a few minutes walk from the old town and situated on the main high street of TRIANA. This Apartment in on the 1st Floor and has steps only. The apartment offer 2 french Balconies out towards the street. Lounge Area, Dining Area, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Walk in Wadrobe Room and Kitchen. This is a very cosy Apartment if you would like to enjoy the fruits of the city life with some of the finest restaurants and and shops nearby.
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Triana, Centro, Palmas de Gran Canaria(Las)


Sibelle Properties

Sibelle Properties is a highly experienced and appreciated agency bringing business betwee...

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