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Xalet en venda a Benissa de 8 habitacions amb terrassa i jardí

750.000 €
1.000 m²


  • Any de construcció: 1600
  • Estat: bon estat
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Tiene una superficie construida de 800m2, el patio de unos 110 metros cuadrados accesibles desde el palacio y calle se utiliza actualmente como parking/jardín, todo privado. Hay posibilidad de ampliar la construcción existente unos 200m2 mas. El palacio esta equipado con facilidades básicas que se pueden terminar según lo deseado. Con sus amplias estancias conectadas entre si por escalera y cada una con su propio ambiente el palacio puede ser utilizado para diferentes finalidades; hotel, restaurante, galería, o uso residencial. El palacio incluye un apartamento separado de unos 250m2 en la tercera plata con su propia entrada privada. El apartamento totalmente reformado, con todas las comodidades tiene un salón amplio y acogedor unas cocina totalmente equipada dos dormitorios y dos baños, un patio acristalado con una terraza solárium con espectaculares vistas. Palacio Benavent is situated in the historical centre of the city Benissa in the province of Alicante, right at the Mediterranean sea. The total floor area is approximately 1000 square meters! The property currently has running water and electricity, with basic structure on the floor and walls. It is ready for a creative buyer who wishes to stamp his/her style and vision on building. The property is rich with historical details. The first floor (the main floor ) and the second floor are ideal as commercial space. Possible uses for the building include a hotel or restaurant. For example there could easily be a restaurant situated on the main floor, with the possibility of 12 hotel rooms within the 2nd and third floors. The building borders an adjacent property, which is included in the price, of 110 square meters situated on the Carrer Santa Barbara 32, and has its own entrance. Possibilities for this plot of land are a further 8 hotel rooms combined with parking/patio/ garden area. This former city palace was named after the famous composer Ricardo Benavent), who lived and worked in the Palacio Benavent until the end of his life. The building dates back to the 16th century. The exterior walls of the building were restored in 1998 and 2003. The property is listed as a protected historical building. Since Palacio Benavent is finished with basic structures you can turn this unique property into a grand home in the heart of Benissa!
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