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Casa en venda a Busot de 3 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

258.000 €
260 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2001
  • Estat: bon estat
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Beautiful Villa in Busot, with a very privileged elevated location, impressive views of the mountains and Alicante that will make the sunsets something unique, in a quiet enclave and within walking distance of the town of Busot, its Sports Center, School, Bank and shops. It has a separate pool and a beautiful garden that surrounds the house with mature trees, fruit trees and ornamental plants. Inside, its spacious, very bright rooms meet the standards of anyone looking for a quality home, in a place as special as the town of Busot. The house has a large living room, large kitchen, three very spacious double bedrooms, the master bedroom having a large private terrace, also with spectacular views, two bathrooms, and a large basement with a bar and its own sauna, ideal if you want to have your own gym and to enjoy family and friend gatherings. It has a garage inside the property, and parking outside. As for Busot, it is a town in high demand for its high quality of life, where you can enjoy a unique natural environment in the province, with beautiful routes through its fields, as well as mountain routes and mountaineering routes in Cabeçó D 'or, where its mythical Canalobre Caves are located, and a pleasant temperature all year round. You can also enjoy high-quality national and international cuisine, and shop in all types of stores. Busot is located just 10 minutes from the beaches of El Campello and its town, 20 minutes from the capital, Alicante, and 25 minutes from the Airport. A unique opportunity at a very competitive price. Come appreciate what this property has to offer. We sell houses, we give hope.
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