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Xalet en venda a Busot de 10 habitacions amb terrassa i jardí

180.000 €
560 m²


  • Estat: per reformar
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Wonderful property located in the center of Busot in a pedestrian zone, a few meters from the Town Hall square. The construction is almost eighty years old and still the condition is excellent. All roofs have been preserved in perfect condition, replacing the beams in poor condition and performing periodic work on the roof to avoid leaks. The building has three floors of 198sqm, 180sqm and 126sqm respectively, and a back garden of 90sqm. The ground floor is accessed through a large hall that gives access to both the 4 bedrooms and the large central hall. To the right as we enter is the fireplace area and access to the kitchen and bathroom. The garden door of about 90m2 is located in the center of the room. To the left of the room is the access to the stables and the magnificent staircase that leads to the two upper floors. The second floor has a large hall that distributes to the rest of the rooms: terrace of about 35m2 with open views, old kitchen, toilet, pantry, living room and four bedrooms. The upper floor is attic and is divided into two areas, a smaller one with two rooms, and other larger and diaphanous space. A jewel at an excellent price.
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