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Xalet en venda a Busot de 6 habitacions amb piscina i jardí

450.000 €
340 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2005
  • Estat: bon estat
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Impressive Villa with private pool in one of the best areas of Busot, next to the town, with spectacular open views of the mountains. It has a beautiful garden that is easy to care for, adorned with trees from the region, where every last detail has been taken care of, with several areas for relaxation on the many sunny days of this region. This large house has 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, a spacious living room with a fireplace and large windows that give it extra light, a raised porch with stunning views from which to enjoy the sunset every day, and much more. Built with the best qualities, it has all the features to live in it with all comfort. In terms of distances, it is only 1 minute from the center of the town of Busot, 10 minutes from El Campello and its beaches, and 20-25 minutes from Alicante and its airport. This recently built luxurious villa is worth a visit.
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