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Xalet en venda a Busot de 4 habitacions amb piscina i jardí

310.000 €
280 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Beautiful Mediterranean style Villa with private pool and separate guest house. It has a beautiful and spacious garden, easy to care for, adorned with mature trees and plants from the region that give color and freshness to this sunny garden with views of the mountains. Inside, this house is decorated in the typical rustic style of the region, and has a spacious living room with fireplace and dining room joined by an arch, 3 large bedrooms and 2 beautiful full bathrooms. In the guest house, a beautiful and spacious living room with fireplace, a large modern kitchen, a full bathroom and another room. It also has a separate laundry room. In addition to the above, this house has other extras and qualities that make its value for money excellent. As for the environment, it is located in a very quiet area but only 1 minute from the center of the town of Busot, 10 minutes from El Campello and its beaches, and 20-25 minutes from Alicante and its airport. This house deserves to be visited for its beauty and uniqueness. FIND YOUR HOUSE IN BUSOT WITH US.
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