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Xalet en venda a Pinós de 4 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

256.000 €
150 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2021
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: central



Alacant country viles is really please to introdueix to you this Immaculate NEW BUILD.(We have to show somewhere is not built) The propery will be constructed in a land of more than 10.000m2, and with a fencing area of 3.000m2 aprox with electric entrance gate a Driveway gate. A lovely swimming pool by 8x4 will be included with an area of "formigó armat" around it Inside the land we will find a lovely property of 150m2, distrituted in two levels, es soon as we pass the large porxo, we enter into a hall leading to a large lounge area with built in fireplace, a luxury kitchen with a large selection of colour and configuration, a utility room, a double bedroom and a bathroom. Upstairs the property is distributed in a màster bedroom with pati doors leading to a terrace with en-suite, two bedrooms and a family bathroom. We offer a large selection of flooring Desings, large selection of bathroom suites and tils. In this fantastic offer we include as well the pre-installation of heating and climate control ducting to all rooms, mains electricity and water. Are you not happy with this layout? We are open to any change! We include all the architect cost, en construcció licence cost, habitation certificate and many more! Do you need any extra building, a large swimming pool? These are all the extra buildings we can offer: Upgrade to 10mx5m swimming pool. guest apartment BBQ with an outside toilet. Garatge.
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