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Casa en venda a Árchez de 2 habitacions amb terrassa

145.000 €
127 m²


  • Estat: bon estat
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Traditional town 2/3 bed house house in excellent decorative order; Stylish new kitchen and bathrooms; Bodega/wine cellar; Great location, just around the corner from the church square and with amenities on the the doorstep; Archez is a pretty and unspoiled white village with a river running through it and situated approx 25 mins from the coast. It offers shops, bars and restaurants, a municipal pool and is also on a bus rout to neighbouring villages and to the coast. The spacious accommodation is laid out over three levels and comprises a beautiful gated entrance with sitting area and an old traditional door leading the ground floor living space comprising a large dining / living area with open fire place, the separate kitchen, modern bathroom and a courtyard style atrium letting in light. The upper floors comprise two good sized bedrooms, on with sitting area and guest shower room. The roof terrace has gorgeous views over the village and church roof tops and to the mature surrounding countryside. There is also a possibility of creating a second root terrace for additional space and views. Additionally there is a Bodega or wine cellar below the property accessed from the living room. All in all, the property boasts many great features and is certainly worth a closer look!
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Country Properties SA

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