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Casa en venda a Canillas de Albaida de 1 habitació amb terrassa i garatge

200.000 €
131 m²


  • Any de construcció: 1985
  • Estat: bon estat


176.43 kWh/m² any


35.04 kg CO₂/m² any


A fantastic opportunity to farm avocados; Production of around 12.000 kg per annum. Large plot with traditional charming Finca, surrounded avocados, and other trees such as orange, lemon, almonds and olives. Verdant and beautiful country setting with easy track access. Fenced; Large supply of water and back up tanks. INTERIOR: Rustic Finca with potential to turn into lovely home, currently consisting of an living room with large open fire place, one bedroom, store room, separate kitchen/diner and bathroom. At the back is a large store room which could be connected to the main house and converted to further accommodation. Additionally there is a large garage, ideal for storage and other. EXTERIOR: In a fabulous setting, this Finca (or cottage) is predominantly surrounded by mature avocado trees, along with other mature trees and citrus such as lemon, orange, mandarin, meddler, fig, and other. The land is all property irrigated with an abundance of water. It is connected to 'farm water' with 3 back up tanks on the land. The finca is surrounded by a large open terrace with views over the countryside LOCATION: In a southerly position, the property is situated between Archez and Salares, down a very a accessible track or approx 1.5 km, and a between 5 and 10 minutes to the nearest town (Archez). The coast can be reached withing 30 minutes and the airport within an hour.
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Canillas de Albaida

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