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Casa en venda a Torrox Pueblo de 7 habitacions amb terrassa i jardí

425.000 €
328 m²


  • Any de construcció: 1957
  • Estat: per reformar
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Torrox, centrally located. Option to buy two properties together or independently. The options are as follows: Demolition of the current construction to build a small building with dwellings, locals and parking or buying the property to reform. Two large houses built in ground floor and first floor only with possibility and permission to extend and create twice as much space. The property was built in 1957 and the last reform dates from the year 1992. Has double entry, one from the main street Almedina and another next to the square car parking of the Town Hall. The property is very centrally located to the entrance of the village and close to the Town Hall, employment office, courts, health care centre, police, shops, banks, market, Church, etc. The property has mains water and electricity services. A property with a great business potential.
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Torrox Pueblo, Torrox

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Country Properties SA

Inmobiliaria desde 1986 con oficinas en Competa, Torrox, Torre del Mar, Ventas y alquiler...

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