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Casa en venda a Sayalonga de 7 habitacions amb terrassa i balcó

180.000 €
238 m²


  • Any de construcció: 1975
  • Estat: per reformar
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Spacious town house located in the heart of Sayalonga with parking nearby and plenty of outside space just 15 minutes from the coast. Ideal to create a B&B business. This property is distributed over 3 floors: On the ground floor there are 3 rooms that are currently being used as storage rooms or storage areas. On the first floor there is a dining room, a fitted kitchen, a living room with a fireplace, 3 bedrooms, a bathroom and access to a rear patio. On the second floor you can find another living room, 4 bedrooms and a second bathroom. On this floor there is also an L-shaped balcony that surrounds a large part of the house and some stairs that go down to the patio. The house benefits from water and electricity. Furthermore, if desired, the house could easily be divided into 2 apartments. At the rear of the property there is a patio, ideal for making a traditional patio with pots and plants of various colours. The large roof terrace has enough space to make a summer kitchen, pergola and an area where one can relax and sunbathe during the day or cool off on Summer nights. This house has many possibilities due to its large size and its location. It could be used as a great house to live in permanently or as a holiday home; and even as a B&B business.
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Country Properties SA

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