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Casa en venda a Sayalonga de 3 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

327.000 €
206 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: independent


265.2 kWh/m² any


53.1 kg CO₂/m² any


Fantastic finca in Sayalonga, with amazing sea views, two bedrooms, independent guest apartment, pool, storage This house is located between Sayalonga and the coast village Lagos. The access is mostly concreted, but there is also dirty track road. The main house has a nice living room with a fire place, dining area and access to the kitchen. There is a big bathroom with bathtub, one bedroom and a second bedroom with indepent entrance from outside. It also has an guest apartment with living room, one bedroom, bathroom and a kitchen. Close to the guest apartment there is a storage room where an old oven is placed. Around the house there is also a further storage room with a patio, and behind the house you can find the old donkey stable and the pool. From the pool area you also have stunning sea views. The plot offers a lot of space for fruit trees, or for a vegetable garden. The area is very quiet and private.
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Country Properties SA

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