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17 FotosPlànols

Xalet en venda a Zona el Higuerón de 7 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

4.875.000 €
1.200 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2024
  • Combustible calefacció: electricitat
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: independent
Certificat energètic en tràmit


The avant-garde design and the exterior expression of nature combine to bring Palm 11 to life. The essence of Diamond is apparent in the work of art at the façade by, that takes part in the architecture and design of the property with a unique corten steel sculpture that welcomes you to this unprecedented villa. has previously worked on other Higuerón Resort projects such as our Higuerón Hotel As if it were an art gallery, Palm 11 is surrounded by wood, cut steel, marble, very high and unique ceilings where the lights hang, huge windows that let in the light, merging with the warmth of the inside A unique interior design, with rectangular and angular shapes, Palm 11 presents itself as modern and avant-garde. Surrounded by Mediterranean forest and with views of the Bay of Fuengirola, it will allow you to relax and enjoy the moment. The immensity of the living room extends throughout the room merging with the garden out-side. The main floor has a double-sided fireplace and a central patio that leads to the marvellous outdoor areas..
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Zona el Higuerón, Benalmádena

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