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Casa adossada en venda a Viñuela de 3 habitacions i 104 m²

69.950 €
104 m²


Casita Martinez is certainly a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking for a project, and also located just a short walk away from the village of Viñuela. The property is currently separated in to two living areas on each floor, which could be linked via a internal staircase to create a good sized three to four bedroom property. Currently on the upper level, you can find a good sized living room and two bedrooms that are connected to each other, which potentially could have walls removed to create a kitchen and bathroom. On the lower level of the property, you can find two further good sized bedrooms, a small kitchen, and a large bathroom, which as mentioned above, internal walls can be taken out and changed around to create a whole new layout. Outside to the side of the property, there are two storerooms attached and a terrace area which can be reformed to create a nice outdoor seating area. To the side of the property you can also find a small plot of land which could be used to plant fruit trees, create a garden, or extend the terrace area where a swimming spa could then be installed. There is work to be done on this property, which has all been reflected in the price, but this property could be changed into something special!
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