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Casa en venda a calle Granada de 2 habitacions amb jardí

69.500 €
80 m²


  • Any de construcció: 1997
  • Estat: per reformar
Certificat energètic no indicat


Casita Rosario is a 2 bed, 1 bathroom property is located in the village of Vinuela where there is plenty of public parking close by. This character property is accessed via steps from the main road where you will find a community of 4 small houses. Entering the property there is a vestibule leading into the lounge diner, with views out to the countryside, and a small kitchen which will require modernisation. There is a large downstairs, fully tiled bathroom with room for a washing machine. There is potential to reduce the size of the bathroom and increase the size of the kitchen with limited work. Stairs lead to the 2 bedrooms, with a useful storage area beneath the staircase. Bedroom one is a twin-bedded room, with recently upgraded windows complete with flyscreens. This leads directly into the larger bedroom with vaulted ceiling and views out to the parking area. Outside, the property boasts a small garden, accessed independently from the main house, a rare find for a village house! There is also an additional storage facility which runs underneath the property. Potential to be a great character house in a village location walking distance to a supermarket and 24hour Health Centre.
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