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Casa en venda a Alfauir de 3 habitacions amb terrassa i balcó

59.000 €
96 m²


  • Any de construcció: 1887
  • Estat: per reformar
  • Sistema calefacció: independent
Certificat energètic no indicat


White Sand Homes are Pleased to offer this 3 bedroom property for sale in Gandia. A quirky cottage style home in need of renovation. Situated on the edge of Alfauir with fantastic rooftop views of the surrounding area in a friendly Spanish town. Constructed in 1887 with a build size of 96m2 the entrance door opens into a cosy lounge with a step up to a kitchen àrea. There is a new predefinit kitchen sink with splashback tils and a Fitted cupboard. Steps lead Downstairs to a utility room, shower room and hallway with access to an entrance door from the rear of the property. The middle floor boasts a good size bedroom with a Juliet balcony that Allows ample light to shine through adding a warm feeling to the room. The upper floor has two Unfinished bedrooms with access to a small roof terrace. The property benefits from mains water and electricity, partially double Glazed, fully re-wired, televisió and internet available if desired, annual IBI and escombraries (council tax and refuse) of € 100, Yearly water of approx € 100. The town offers a local supermarket, hairdresser, doctors surgery, bars / restaurants, church, school, local council, music centre, sports centre with a gymnasium and communal swimming pool. If you want to venture into the city of Gandia there is a local bus service that operates daily. You can enjoy a 30-minute Stroll to the Monastery de Sant Jeroni, a local cultural landmark. A market menges every Friday and this pretty village of approx 400 Habitants enjoy all the local festes that you are able to participate if desired. It is a 10-minute drive from the city of Gandia and 15 minutes to the beaches of The Platja de Gandia. València airport to the North is a little under an hour and Alacant to the South is just over an hour. This quirky townhouse represents a fantastic opportunity to renovate a property to your own style and taste. If you are looking for something a little different placed in a wonderful Spanish town in the beautiful area of València, look no further, this could be your wonderful abode!
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