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Casa en venda a Coín de 4 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

1.065.000 €
700 m²


  • Estat: bon estat
Certificat energètic en tràmit


This magnificent 360m2 house is surrounded by 700m2 of beautiful grounds, including terraces and a stunning 10x8m2 swimming pool. This unique Andalusian style property impresses with its authenticity: luxurious living rooms with fireplaces, exquisite furnishings and a unique style of decoration. A magnificent courtyard, exquisite fountains and picturesque gardens make this house an ideal place for a comfortable stay. Particularly attractive are the stable and animal care facilities. An unfinished guest house in the grounds and a large swimming pool surrounded by palm trees keep the house cosy and cool even on hot summer days. Two wells supply the house with water, one of which never runs dry, even in times of drought. In addition, there is a picturesque Arabian fish pond and access to the river Grande. The property offers breathtaking scenery, guaranteeing an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. The house is in excellent condition: the roof has been recently repaired and the structure is solid and stable. The house has central heating and there are fireplaces in three different rooms. The total area of the adjoining plot is 13,000 square metres, which provides ample space for all possibilities.    .
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