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Xalet en venda a Sant Andreu de Llavaneres de 9 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

2.150.000 €
785 m²


  • Combustible calefacció: gas natural
  • Estat: per reformar
  • Sistema calefacció: independent




This chalet-type property, located only 30min away from Barcelona, with 785 built sqm, on a 7075sqm plot, amazes by the spectacular sea views and beautiful swimming pool area. Being south-east oriented, it benefits from a great amount of light everywhere throughout the house, and a spectacular show of both the sunrise and the sunset from its luxurious garden and terraces. The structure of the house is divided between the lower floor, which consists of a 2-car fitting garage, a storage room, and a kitchen that opens up to the swimming pool and garden, the main floor, that has an 80msqm living room area centered around the built-in fireplace, 3 double bedrooms, and one en-suite bedroom, laundry room and kitchen, and the upper floor with 2 en-suite sea view bedrooms. Moreover, it has a 95sqm guest house and a 55sqm dressing area for the swimming pool. Sant Andreu de Llavaneres is the perfect place for both mountain and sea enthusiasts, as it benefits from both. The area is well known for its quiet and family-friendly surroundings, that provide a great amount of privacy. Features: • 6000m2 garden area • Swimming pool • Sea and mountain view • Guest house • Garage • Fireplace.
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Sant Andreu de Llavaneres

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