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Casa en venda a Casco Antiguo de 4 habitacions amb terrassa i jardí

310.000 €
292 m²


  • Estat: per reformar
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Exclusive with us! Discover the charm of traditional Spanish living with this expansive townhouse nestled in the heart of Javea's bustling city center. Boasting a generous build area of 292 square meters and sitting on a plot spanning 190 square meters, this property offers a wealth of potential for the discerning investor or ambitious renovator. Conveniently positioned between two streets, accessibility and convenience define this townhouse's location. Within mere steps, residents can immerse themselves in the vibrant atmosphere of Javea, with an array of shops, cafes, restaurants, and amenities right at their fingertips. While the property is in need of a total renovation, the possibilities it presents are boundless. With creative vision and thoughtful design, this townhouse can be transformed into a lucrative investment opportunity. Whether you envision it as a boutique hotel, two separate residences, or four individual apartments, the flexibility of the layout allows for endless configurations to suit your preferences and objectives. Embrace the opportunity to breathe new life into this traditional gem, and seize the chance to create something truly extraordinary in one of Javea's most coveted locations. With its prime position and versatile potential, this townhouse invites you to reimagine the possibilities and make your mark on the vibrant tapestry of Javea's real estate landscape.
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Casco Antiguo, Jávea/Xàbia

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