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Xalet en venda a Benitachell/Poble Nou de Benitatxell (el) de 3 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

1.700.000 €
337 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: central
Certificat energètic en tràmit


This project is a stunning luxury villa located in a beautiful neighbourhood close to Moraira. The property is situated on an elevated plot, allowing for breathtaking views of both the sea and the inland Costa Blanca North. This three-story villa features a garden and private swimming pool. The top floor includes access to the parking area and a lift that connects all three levels of the house. The middle floor contains three bedrooms, each with access to a terrace for enjoying the stunning views of the Mediterranean. The ground floor is a spacious living area that is full of natural light and is connected to both the kitchen and the exterior, making it the heart of the house. The outdoor spaces of Villa Indigo have been meticulously designed and include a garden that is perfectly adapted to the plot, with terraced walls that create various spaces and levels. The large terrace features an infinity pool that seamlessly merges with the sea, making it a truly unique feature of this luxurious property. Please contact us for more information!
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Benitachell/Poble Nou de Benitatxell (el)

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