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Xalet en venda a Ciudad Quesada de 4 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

349.995 €
140 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 1998
  • Combustible calefacció: electricitat
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: independent


5 kWh/m² any


0.2 kg CO₂/m² any


Welcome to an exquisite villa nestled in the prestigious painters streets of Quesada, boasting a generous 500m² plot. This stunning property features a total of 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, providing ample space for luxurious living. Situated to the south, the front of the house basks in sunlight, offering a picturesque view of the pool area throughout the day. Indulge in outdoor living with multiple seating and dining areas scattered around the plot, including a charming kitchen area, ensuring you always find the perfect balance of sun and shade. The accommodation spans two floors, with the main part of the villa accessible via a delightful covered terrace overlooking the lush garden and inviting pool. Step inside to discover a spacious living room seamlessly connected to the kitchen, complemented by a glazed terrace serving as an elegant dining room. The main accommodation encompasses 2 bedrooms and a fully renovated shower room, providing modern comfort and style. Below, a separate entrance leads to additional accommodation comprising 2 bedrooms, a second shower room, a lounge with dining area, and another kitchen, offering versatility and potential for extended family living or rental income. With its exceptional layout and potential, this villa caters perfectly to either one large family seeking spacious luxury or two separate families looking for independent living spaces. Don't miss out on this unparalleled opportunity - schedule a viewing today and unlock the endless possibilities of this remarkable property.
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Ciudad Quesada, Rojales

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