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Xalet en venda a Sierra Blanca de 6 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

8.500.000 €
882 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: independent




The stunning villa with the classic Andalusian architecture and tiled roof offers an incomparable mix of contemporary chic and traditional allure. The mansion is a real work of art that combines elegance and comfort. It is built on the spacious plot and provides a lot of privacy. A magnificent garden will be one of your favourite places for taking a walk and relaxing after a long day. Spaciousness and style make life at this villa even more inspiring. It is an example of how high quality matches with a unique style and refined taste. Entering the property on the ground floor, there is a well-positioned living space with seating and dining room. Beautiful designed living room contributes greatly to the prestige and standing of this luxurious mansion in Marbella. Large windows and sliding doors to the terrace areas allow generous light to flood the property. The kitchen in the villa has an elegant and sophisticated design and it is a good organized so that you have what you need within reach. It is fully equipped with outstanding appliances and has a custom made island. The main bedroom is one of the most exceptional places in the villa. It is a space where you can hide from everyone for a while and take a little rest. The master bedroom is decorated with beautiful attention to detail. It features a dressing room with plenty of space for fashion lovers. The room is spacious and has a direct access to a terrace area with space for seating. Each of the bedrooms has its own en suite bathroom, decorated cleanly with coal coloured natural stone and flooring of marble, with shower facilities. The villa has an additional space in the home solely devoted to the purpose of having fun or to retire and relax - Game room, Sauna and Turkish bath.
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Sierra Blanca, Milla de Oro, Marbella

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Bielohome Marbella

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