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Xalet en venda a calle San Pedro de Alcántara de 4 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

3.285.000 €
900 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2023
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: independent




This beautiful new state-of-the-art designed villa is located in the highly desired area of Guadalmina Baja. The design of the villa is unique and stands balancing both design and practicality with 4 bedrooms. The living areas and corridors have large panoramic windows that provide views of the tropical-Mediterranean garden that surrounds the house. Features include underfloor heating and air conditioning, high-quality flooring and windows, wooden fittings, an infinity pool, a custom-made kitchen, design elements on the facade, a representative entrance, a roof terrace, an easy-care garden with automatic irrigation, an automatic entrance gate and domotic system. The area is popular among both permanent residents and holidaymakers and offers a range of amenities and services including golf courses, shops, restaurants, and bars. The area is also known for its prestigious marina and its proximity to the beach clubs. The Real estate market in Guadalmina Baja is strong, with properties in this area tending to hold their value well and have high rental potential.
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San Pedro de Alcántara pueblo, San Pedro de Alcántara, Marbella

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Greystone International Real Estate

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