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Casa en venda a calle Amatista de 3 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

595.000 €
120 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat




Nestled in a prime location, midway between the vibrant towns of Puerto Banús and Estepona, and just a stone's throw away from the charming village of Benahavís, this exquisite property offers the opportunity to transform it into your ideal family sanctuary, right by the beautiful shoreline. Situated within the captivating triangle formed by the renowned Atalaya Golf & Country Club, Paraiso Golf, and El Campanario Golf, you'll find yourself in a world of convenience. The property is surrounded by a wealth of amenities, from shopping hubs to prestigious international schools and state-of-the-art sports facilities. These modern and tastefully designed villas offer various layouts, some with the option of a solarium and basement, as well as a private garden, with the possibility of installing a custom private pool. All residences are thoughtfully oriented to capture the warmth of the West-facing sun, and their elevated position provides breathtaking vistas of the picturesque countryside. Each villa ensures parking is never a concern, offering a minimum of two surface parking spaces or the choice of a double garage. Embrace the opportunity to create your own haven within this thriving and elegant community.
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Paraíso - Atalaya- Benamara, Estepona Este, Estepona

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Greystone International Real Estate

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