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Xalet en venda a calle Granados de 4 habitacions amb terrassa i jardí

2.900.000 €
400 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: central
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Welcome to this stunning detached single-family house located in the prestigious residential area of Sarria, in the heart of the "Zona Alta" of Barcelona. With a total of 400m2 and a flat plot of 347m2, this property offers plenty of space for you and your family to enjoy. The property boasts high-quality finishes throughout, including an underground parking garage for two cars, a gym, and a beautiful private garden. The basement is perfect for entertaining guests, with a cinema, guest bedroom, and bathroom. The large living/dining room is the perfect place to relax after a long day, while the upper floor features two bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and a private terrace. This property also includes a construction project and building permit approved, giving you the opportunity to customize your dream home to your exact specifications. The location is unbeatable, with easy access to business headquarters, private schools, sports clubs, parks, hospitals, and universities. And with the center of Barcelona just 15 minutes away, you'll have everything you need right at your fingertips. Don't miss out on the chance to own this incredible property in one of Barcelona's most sought-after neighborhoods. Contact us today for more information.
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Sarrià, Sarrià - Sant Gervasi, Barcelona

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