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Local en venda a Cómpeta amb terrassa i aire acondicionat

467.000 €
355 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Successfully operating 'B&B' business with 8 guest rooms and separate apartment; All include stylish en/suite showers, Air-conditioning - heating, TV, USB port and WIFI; Wheelchair adapted; Communal guest area; 2 fabulous roof terraces; Laundry and storage; Great location in the heart of the old town; Solar powered hot water; Sound proof double glazing throughout; Sold Fully Furnished, and ready to go with all licenses in place. The property has undergone a total refurbishment and has been beautifully finished with quality materials, no detail to attention spared. The accommodation consist of 9 rooms: 3 double bedrooms, 1 very large master bedroom with sitting area and corner bath, 2 doubles + single, a tripe bedroom (3 single beds), a single room. The separate apartment has wheelchair access and comprises 2 double beds and twin beds along with sitting area, large shower room. There is a very pleasant communal area designated for guest with bar and kitchenette, and sitting room. There are also two lovely roof terraces with amazing views to the church, mountains and sea. One has been reinforced for roof top pool or Jacuzzi. Additionally there is a separate laundry room, storage room, and boiler room. To date, the property has had great occupancy rates, with repeat bookings for 2020. Is ready to take over!
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Country Properties SA

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