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Local en venda a Verger / Vergel de 150 m²

120.000 €
150 m²


Don't miss the opportunity to acquire this commercial property in El Verger, a charming village located in the province of Alicante! Located in the heart of the village, on a corner in a commercial street, this local is an excellent investment opportunity. Inside, you will be greeted by large windows that flood the space with plenty of natural light, thanks to its south-east orientation. This local has two bathrooms, two spacious rooms and a large living room. It is currently occupied with materials and work objects, however, once booked, it will be left completely open-plan so that the next owner can bring a new project to life with total creative freedom. Equipped with air conditioning and with water and electricity services in perfect working order, these premises offer all the necessary comforts to start your business without complications. El Verger, also known as El Vergel, is a picturesque Mediterranean village that offers a perfect combination of tradition and modernity. Known for its beautiful orange groves and rich history, El Verger boasts a wide variety of services and amenities for residents and visitors alike. Don't miss this unique opportunity to establish your business in a prime location in El Verger! Contact us right now for more information and to book your viewing.
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Verger / Vergel

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