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Local en venda a Playa de Levante de 180 m²

2.695.000 €

180 m²


  • Activitat comercial: Restaurant




Looking for a great investment opportunity in Benidorm? Look no further than this fantastic beachfront property! This fully-equipped restaurant is located on the famous Levante Beach, and offers a great opportunity to own a piece of prime real estate in one of Spain's most popular tourist destinations. With 180 square meters of space, this property is perfect for those looking to start their own business or expand an existing one. The restaurant is well-known and has a great reputation, making it an ideal choice for entrepreneurs looking to capitalize on the area's thriving tourism industry. One of the highlights of this property is its fantastic terrace, which offers stunning views of the beach and the Mediterranean Sea. Whether you're looking to attract tourists or locals, this property is sure to impress. In addition to its great location, this property also boasts a range of amenities, including heating, air conditioning, and alarm systems. There is also a fully-equipped kitchen, as well as a storage area and a bathroom adapted for people with disabilities. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to own a piece of prime real estate in Benidorm. Contact us today to learn more about this amazing property and to schedule a viewing.
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Playa de Levante, Benidorm

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