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Pis en venda a Almoradí de 3 habitacions amb piscina i garatge

89.995 €
94.995 €
120 m²


  • Estat: bon estat
  • Interior / exterior: exterior
  • Planta 1a
Certificat energètic en tràmit


Take a look at this fantastic 3 bed apartment located in the Spanish town of Almoradi within walking distance to all amenities, such as supermarkets, Large traditional local markets, shops, bars, restaurants, medical centre, sports facilities... and much more! Aswell as the stunning Plaza with events and Spanish Fiestas all year round! 3 double bedrooms, The master bedroom being en-suite, and a family sized bathroom. You have a lovely wide breakfast bar separating the kitchen from the living room, however still giving it a social aspect. You also have a rear patio. And a large balcony that wraps around the apartment and has views over looking the park across the road. Communal Solarium with a pool, which has plenty of room for relaxing and soaking up the sun. This apartment comes with a private undeground parking space, and a store room. You are a short drive to the lovely sandy beaches of Guardamar, and only 35 minutes to Alicante Airport. You have La Finca Golf Course in the next town over.
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