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Pis en venda a Avileses de 2 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

128.000 €
70 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
Certificat energètic en tràmit


We present to you this Fabulous Ground Floor Apartment overlooking the Golf Course on Hacienda Riquelme Golf Course, Sucina, Murcia, Hacienda Riquelme Golf Resort is a family-friendly holiday, golf and leisure complex located between the mountains and the Mediterranean Sea. It provides a tranquil setting for those who want to relax in its luxurious gardens and pools, whilst offering a variety of leisure facilities for those that like to keep active. Located in the Region of Murcia with 320 days of sunshine each year. This Beautiful Renovated Ground Floor Apartment consists of 2 bedrooms with fitted wardrobes and 1 bathroom, living/dining area and a fully fitted kitchen. The property is furnished and benefits from air conditioning, gas central heating throughout, underground parking, glazed in terrace and a garden. The complex offers several communal swimming pools, gardens and children's play areas, supermarket and restaurant/bar. Sucina is described as a large village or small town. It has a charming centre complete with a beautiful church square surrounded by bars and restaurants and is located around 18km or 15 minutes drive from the beach resorts of The Mar Menor. Being a short distance inland it is less geared towards tourism and is ideal for those looking for a more relaxed, residential environment. It is located close to the new International Airport and within a short drive of many of the region's superb golf resorts. The nearest of which, Hacienda Riquelme, is just 3.4km away. Sucina has become a very popular choice for both regular visitors and expats relocating to the area permanently from the UK and other Northern European countries. It has plenty of local amenities including 2 supermarkets, restaurants, bars, banks, parks, health centres, a pharmacy, clothes shops, fresh food shops, a hardware store, petrol station as well as a number of other services and leisure facilities.
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Avileses, Pedanías Sureste, Murcia

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