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Àtic en venda a Torrox Pueblo de 3 habitacions amb terrassa i balcó

280.000 €
113 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Interior / exterior: exterior
  • Planta 2a
  • Sistema calefacció: independent




A stunning and expansive penthouse nestled in the heart of the charming town of Torrox. It comes with three generously sized bedrooms and two well-appointed bathrooms, this residence offers ample space for comfortable living. The property encompasses a spacious living room and a separate, fully-equipped kitchen, providing a perfect balance of functionality and style. One of the standout features of this penthouse is its two expansive roof terraces, offering mesmerizing views of the sparkling sea. Additionally, the property boasts two balconies that overlook the bustling streets of the town, providing a delightful space to relax and soak in the local ambiance. Convenient parking is available on the street, ensuring hassle-free access for residents and guests alike. Moreover, the location is just a quick 5-minute drive to the coast and the picturesque shoreline, allowing you to easily indulge in beachside activities and soak up the Mediterranean sun. For those who require easy access to major transportation routes, the highway is conveniently located nearby. The property is approximately a 45-minute drive to Malaga airport, making it a convenient option for frequent travelers.
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Torrox Pueblo, Torrox

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